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 Commendation Received!!!
Author: hewett 
Date:   2007-04-26 22:07:58

I just received a commendation directly from CINCRATFLEET. It is rare, indeed, that a lowly Blackshoe such as myself should receive the accolades that I have, let alone having them presented directly from CINCRATFLEET. I was totally amazing that they ignored the Chain-Of-Command entirely. As an Ensign, I have always looked forward to a little 'pat-on-the-back' from senior officers (yes, Ltjg's too!), but this is just too much!

For those of you who are interested, I quote from my commendation:

"Senior Fleet Ensign Hewett has performed his duties as Rat-Guard Installation Supervisor (RGIS) in a most exemplary manner. His attention to duty, as well as his never-ending puruit of the rodents, has enabled our fighting forces to 'stay the course' (heh, heh). It is the recommendation of CINCRATFLEET that Ensign Hewett be promoted to the rank of Ltjg. on June 25, 2046 (his 98th birthday!)"

Gentlemen, as you all must know, I am extremely proud at this time. But, to be honest with you, I think I may have tightened the Rat-Guards just a little too much last time. We ain't got so much as a nibble on the cheese!
Paul, LB, Middlemonster, et. al?

If youz guys keep up the silent treatment, I'll start telling Ensign stories again!!!!!
What say the brethern?

 Re: Commendation Received!!!
Author: Paul 
Date:   2007-04-30 09:18:54

Actually, I favorably endorsed this award with the proviso that your promotion to LTJG not be too rushed. Since CINCRATFLEET is an old shipmate of mine, Commodore Rocky Sholes, it was not a problem getting you the award.

Yep, it would appear that in your exhuberance, you have ratcheted down the rat guards a bit too much. I long for the old days when some idjit would post some stupidity and then get hammered.

Take care Ensign!

PS - You have boat officer duty this evening from 2000 to 2400 - enjoy!

 Re: Commendation Received!!!
Author: R. Middlemas 
Date:   2007-04-30 16:06:53

Raz - Even though I only know you within these pages, I wish you hearty congrats on the commendation (or is it condemnation?) for a job well done. :)

You and Paul are a great asset to these pages, as well as to, I am sure, the elements and going's on in your own circles.

To be frank, I get some, but not all, of the humor you guys put forth.
But the spirit you both put forth is manifest, and welcome indeed.

I echo both your and Paul's sentiment. I check in a couple times a day, ready to pounce...but nobody seems to want any of it.

That's too bad in some ways...but good in others. But I DO miss the random fool who would make an azz out of himself. I'd crack my fingers and truly enjoy the flaming I was about to set forth.

As truth is always the goal, to root out and punish those "evil doer's" who have no regard for the truth, is true and certain fun.

Best to both of you, and to all here who have wanted (and needed) somebody to be accountable for their actions.

And the best to the Godfather himself - Dan "The Man" Anderson. For without him, none of this could have existed.


 Re: Commendation Received!!!
Author: Paul 
Date:   2007-05-12 08:22:27

My best also to Dan Anderson and also to you RM. Your timely posts are excellent. As for Ensign Raz, we work with what we have.

I truly fear that this entire sorted mess with Cunningham is going to continue when Bush leaves office and pardon's him and Libby.

Best to all.

 Re: Commendation Received!!!
Author: Paul 
Date:   2007-06-11 09:31:41

"The random fool" so well coined!

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