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 Father Joe
Author: Busby 
Date:   2006-05-19 20:16:51

Father Joe of San Diego was pleading for clemency for the crook Cunningham. One wonders if Fr. Joe has been on the take too? I've seen him in the local restaurants chowing down - maybe that is how he spends the charity money? I won't ever contribute to this associate of the Duke's again!

 Re: Father Joe
Author: Paul 
Date:   2006-05-19 21:49:52

Father Joe is a priest, of course he would plead for clemency. Misguided effort, but it goes with the collar.

He does good work in San Diego with the down and out. He keeps the down and out in the city and off of my property. Thus, I support his efforts. How would you like to have 50 homeless camping out on your residential street going through your trash cans? Sending him money to keep them down in the city, is good for all. Support Fr. Joe!

 Re: Father Joe
Author: truthout 
Date:   2006-05-20 09:26:53

Goes with the collar - why do Catholics believe in hell then? Cunningham got off easy, considering he misappropriated public funds for personal gain. Father Joe should have recommended asbestos lined suits for the Dukester!

 Re: Father Joe
Author: LB 
Date:   2006-05-20 10:20:26

>>>He does good work in San Diego with the down and out. He keeps the down and out in the city and off of my property. >>>

And if you click on the other pictures in the links in Dan's post, you'll see Randy presenting a $250,000 check for the San Diego food bank.

How come Dan didn't link that particular one?? I mean the guy did SOME good out there, else he wouldn't have been re-elected so many times.

 Re: Father Joe
Author: Paul 
Date:   2006-05-20 10:59:48

>>>Goes with the collar - why do Catholics believe in hell then?>>> Because they are miss-guided. One of their answers to prevent going to hell, is to ask for forgiveness or clemency.

LB is right, Cunningham did a lot of good work that got his re-elected. Unfortunately, this fraudulent behavior will always overshadow his great feat of shooting down 5 MiGs and 3 of them on one mission in the Vietnam; and the good that he did as a politician.

As for the 3 MiGs in one mission, as a former Naval Aviator and fighter pilot, I can tell you that in practice ACM, I never won 3 engagements in a row. To do it against guys trying to kill you is even more of a feat.

As I have always said, this is such a sad chapter in his life.

I also believe that a lot of the absolute angst we read on this site from gentlemen such as �truthout� is that �My hero done me wrong and he should rot in he!! for it!�

We never know who will turn out to have �clay feet� amongst our leaders and friends. But he will do his time and after it is done, leave him alone. He paid the price for his having screwed the pooch and breached the public�s trust.

 Re: Father Joe
Author: Paul 
Date:   2006-05-20 14:03:04

You know, you are right. We should not be surprised that these guys get nailed for bribery. They have been bribing the voters for year with all the "pork" that they bring home.

Good points all Dan.

 Re: Father Joe
Author: Richard Rongstad 
Date:   2006-06-25 00:49:25

Busby (—-.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net) Date: 05-19-06 20:16 wrote; "Father Joe of San Diego was pleading for clemency for the crook Cunningham. One wonders if Fr. Joe has been on the take too? I've seen him in the local restaurants chowing down - maybe that is how he spends the charity money? I won't ever contribute to this associate of the Duke's again!"

Last time I checked, Father Joe Carroll was a monsignor, but the affection for him is so broad and deep he could be elevated to cardinal and still be called Father Joe, as I recall, the monsignor rank goes back to 1992 when he was bumped up. I've listened to Father Joe's homilies at Saint Rita's in San Diego, and I've donated to his mission, St. Vincent de Paul, and I'll keep doing it, because I respect the man and the priest that he is.

Busby, I recommend you reconsider, don't let your anger at Duke Cunningham cloud your judgement nor control your generosity.

 Re: Father Joe
Author: Paul 
Date:   2006-06-25 18:34:17

You are most correct and least we not forget, a Priest's job, his MOS, is forgiveness.

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