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 Randy is truly a small fish...
Author: R. Middlemas 
Date:   2006-02-03 13:11:50

A in-depth look at just how bad things are:

"While Abramoff, DeLay and Randy "Duke" Cunningham dominate the headlines in the current "lobbying scandal" media reports, ASG deserves to be heavily scrutinized for its role in each of those scandals and others not yet on the mainstream radar."

There is a TON more to this. Check it out:


 Re: Randy is truly a small fish...
Author: Paul 
Date:   2006-02-03 16:20:41

It just makes a person's head spin. I truly believe that these guys do not know how to make an honest buck.

A few years ago we were looking to bid on our first (and only) government contract. We were approached by a lobbying firm, one of the top 25. They told me and my COO that we needed their representation to get the contract. Their price would have raised our bid by 18%. We passed, did not attempt to get the contract and have lived happily ever after.

We do a lot of oil field work. A gent that has since passed gave me one axiom to run my business by shortly after I purchased this company, He said, "No business is better than bad business." Another old timer from the oil patch gave me another axiom that I live by. He said, "Pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered; do not cross the pig-hog line."

All of these characters would have done well if they would have followed these 2 axioms. Because the years they are going to do in prison is not worth it.

 Re: Randy is truly a small fish...
Author: Dan (not Anderson) 
Date:   2006-02-04 07:39:01

Good article, but rather scary especially with them dealing with Blackwater et al. It does provide a good long look at the infamous workings of the MIC (Military Industrial Congressional) Complex and why things probably won't get better unless that changes.

I don't think that Dandy was the nexus of this mess (from what I've seen here, he don't got the intellectual horsepower to be it) but he played the role of the catalyst to the explosion that is rumbling through Washington.

In essense, Dandy did the cardinal sin of military aviation (not that I'm a pilot or anything, just a stupid groupie...) he shot his own wingmen down even if he dodged the Nuke Abramhoff. Red on Red, so to speak.

Dandy is probably finding out that he doesn't have all that many friends as he thought he had (with the exception some of my fellow armchair warriors like Elie...) At this point, Dandy don't need groupies, he needs (to paraphrase the lingo of my age) friend$ with serious benefit$...

Paul, that was good advice from the oil patch. That's why I try to listen to and work with the most battlescarred, crustiest, hardcase old timer techs I can find. Their foulmouthed sage advice has kept my dumbass engineer's rear free and clear of trouble.

 Re: Randy is truly a small fish...
Author: Paul 
Date:   2006-02-05 12:19:53

Am I getting this entirely wrong? But did the wimmins referred to in the article from Newsweek on Cunningham, also say after the Lava lamp incident that "The Duke has a small fish . . . or he is a small fish?"

Two women quoted by the Copley News Service depicted Cunningham, a self-described family man, as offering them champagne after changing into pajama bottoms and a turtleneck sweater "to entertain them by the light of his favorite lava lamp."

Folks, this is an ugly picture . . . .

 Re: Randy is truly a small fish...
Author: David Dickey 
Date:   2006-02-07 09:17:53

Has Willie Driscoll made any public comments about Cunnungham? Does anyone know?

 Re: Randy is truly a small fish...
Author: David Dickey 
Date:   2006-02-07 09:53:29

You know what? I think I'll pass on letting Willie motivate me. At some point, someone may pay him enough to express his opinion.

 Re: Randy is truly a small fish...
Author: David Dickey 
Date:   2006-02-07 11:57:37

Well said. Thanks.

 Re: Randy is truly a small fish...
Author: Paul 
Date:   2006-02-07 16:18:02

Well said John.

Willie has steered a course away from Duke since about '98 that I know of. Before that he lived for the time that he could team up with Cunningham and retell their tale. Last time I saw them together was back then in about �98 at a San Diego Chamber of Commerce event; and they both went through the same ole dog and pony show.

It confirmed for me that something was amiss when Willie was not Cunningham's Realtor� of choice. Either the deal to collect a commission on the sale of the Del Mar home and purchase of the Rancho Santa Fe home was not offered to Willie, or he smartly passed on the opportunity.

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